
Harnessing the Infinite Power of Your Consciousness

Ever since I heard about Kim Peek, a savant who was the basis for the movie Rain Man, I have believed that what he and other savants are capable of doing should be possible for all of us. In fact, the discipline of Neuro-Linguistic Programming contends exactly this, by saying that what is possible for one is possible for all of us, barring any kind of impairment. For the past 60 years I have been studying spirituality and especially consciousness, and what has dismayed me the most is the superstition of materiality to which most of us subscribe. I learned long ago that consciousness does not arise in the brain. Trees, plants, and insects don't have brains, but they have been shown by researchers to have awareness--which is consciousness. The brain is simply an interface between the body and consciousness.  It has been rewarding to learn that Quantum Physics agrees with mystics from thousands of years to the present who contend that consciousness is the ground of all being. In fact,...

Portal to Infinity Book and Website

I'm happy to announce that my book will be released on October 30 in a Kindle edition. Also, the website is now live at  I'm really excited about the book. I've been thinking about writing it for several years but never felt it was quite ready. Now I am satisfied that the material is timely and reliable.  I would love to hear from you regarding the book and website content, especially if you have suggestions for additional content.  Warm regards for now.  Jim